Master's Project Directory
Green Buildings in the U.S. and China: Bridging the Energy Performance Gap
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Greening Aquarium of the Bay: Environmental Impact & Recommendations for Reduction
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Deckers Outdoor Corporation Water Footprint
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Developing Fire Management Strategies in Support of Adaptive Management at Tejon Ranch, California
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Adaptations to Climate Change: Comparing Feasbility of Ecosystem-based (EbA) Methods for Climate Change Adaptation with Engineered Approaches
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Evaluating Energy Storage Options: A Case Study at Los Angeles Harbor College
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Assessing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Options in Santa Barbara County
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Marina Feraud, Kiernan Brtalik, Kevin Huniu, Dana Jennings, Howard Kahan, Geneva Travis
A Framework for Evaluating Water System Ownership and Management Alternatives
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2005)
The Impacts of Climate Change on the Critical Inputs of the Dairy Industry
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Sustainable Visitorship at the Angeles National Forest: Strategies for Solid Waste Management
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Saving Nemo: Mariculture and Market-based Solutions to Reform the Marine Ornamental Trade
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Impact of Sea Level Rise on Plant Species: A Threat Assessment for the Central California Coast
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
A Water Quality Monitoring Plan for Santa Barbara's in Urban Creeks
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2005)
Salmon Aquaculture in Southern Chile: A Bioeconomic Model of Farming Practices
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Evaluating Viable Models for Community Solar Projects in the State of California
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2012)
Eco-Entrepreneurship: Forget-Me-Not Sourcing
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (2012)
Eco-Entrepreneurship: DROPcycle
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (2012)
Eco-Entrepreneurship: Green Carbon
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (2012)
Eco-Entrepreneurship: Green Soil
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (2012)
Bioassessment of Stream Condition and Response to Anthropogenic Activities in Los Padres National Forest
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2005)