Master's Project Directory
Evaluating Connectivity in the Northern Appalachian and Acadian Region to Improve Wildlife Mobility
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2020)
Ecology and Management of Oak Woodlands on Tejon Ranch: Recommendations for Conserving a Valuable California Ecosystem
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2011)
Conserving Monterey County's Ranchland: Trends and Strategies
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2007)
Designing Road Crossings for Safe Wildlife Passage: Ventura County Guidelines
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2005)
Valley Oak Restoration Site Suitability in the Los Alamos Valley, Santa Barbara County, CA
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (1999)
Predicting the Spatial Pressures of Development in San Luis Obispo County: Is the Transferable Development Credits Program Controlling Urban Sprawl?
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2002)
Frank Davis, Antonia Bento