Master's Project Directory
Quantifying and Managing Microplastics From Footwear Use: Outsole Loss Through Wear
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2020)
Eco-Entrepreneurship: BabyLove
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (2013)
An Inventory and Evaluation of Environmental and Health Safety Practices in the Nanotechnology Industry
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2007)
An Integrative Approach to Managing Coastal Bacterial Pollution
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (1999)
Patricia Holden, David Siegel
Casmalia Habitat Restoration Plan for the California Red-Legged Frog & Western Spadefoot Toad
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2002)
Patricia Holden, Bruce Kendall, Sheldon Kamieniecki
Wetland Mitigation Alternatives for the Casmalia Resources Disposal Site, Santa Barbara, California
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2002)
Patricia Holden, Mike McGinnis