EDS 296-1W
Course Name
Advanced Special Topics in Environmental Data Science: Intro to Shiny - Building Reactive Apps and Dashboards
The {shiny} package provides a framework that allows R users to build interactive web applications and dashboards, and has become a popular tool for sharing data analyses and data-derived outputs with broad audiences. In this two-part short course, students will learn the fundamentals of reactivity, how to customize an application user interface (UI), best practices and workflows for developing shiny apps, and how to deploy their apps online via RStudio’s hosting service, shinyapps.io.
All participants are expected to (a) be familiar with the R programming language and comfortable working in RStudio, (b) have a GitHub profile, and (c) have git configured on their local machine.
- For MESM students: ESM 244 Advanced Data Analysis will fulfill these requirements.
- PhD students should email the instructor explaining their experience with required skills.
Course Syllabus: Winter 2025