Bren School research has a significant global impact on the most critical environmental challenges of our day, including climate change, ecology and conservation, water resources, and ocean health.

Bren School faculty members conduct research in a variety of disciplines, and across disciplines, to solve environmental problems. At Bren, our research is highly collaborative, both within the UCSB research community and with researchers at other institutions and organizations across the world.

Our faculty members play leading roles in advising government agencies, corporations, and nonprofit organizations about science, management, and policy questions. They provide intellectual leadership about the direction of environmental technology, science, and policy, and bring a comprehensive understanding of these issues to their teaching and research.

Bren School faculty and lecturers are subject matter experts in many areas that span the biological and earth sciences, data science, law, politics, and more under the umbrella of environmental science and environmental management. They are knowledgeable experts on topics such as climate change, ocean health, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, wildfires and drought, water management, environmental justice, conservation and ecology, pollution, agricultural practices, corporate sustainability, data science, environmental policy and politics, environmental economics, and environmental law.


Professor David Tilman awarded National Medal of Science for revealing the importance of biodiversity

Renowned ecologist David Tilman revolutionized biodiversity science, revealing that more diverse ecosystems thrive and earning the National Medal of Science for his groundbreaking work.

Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in California This Year?

Native and invasive mosquito species populations have exploded as a result of California's significant rainfall during the Winter of 2022/2023. Researchers at Bren are searching for patterns as vector-borne illness spreads.

How a Drought Affects Trees Depends on What’s Been Holding Them Back

Droughts can actually have a positive effect on tree growth, contrary to popular belief. Findings show that in cold and harsh environments, drought can actually benefit the trees by extending their growing season and increasing productivity.

Wealthy Homeowners More Likely to Benefit from Wildfire Suppression Efforts

In a recent study, researchers found that affluent homeowners reap more benefits from state fire suppression resources

The Faculty Experience: How Bren Professors Work

Get to know Bren faculty and their interdisciplinary research projects, from coral reefs in Mo'orea to climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Subject Matter Expertise Directory:

Bren Faculty


Environmental Politics

Environmental Institutions and Governance

Hydrology, Terrestrial Ecology, Coupled Natural-Human Systems

Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, Disability Justice, Disaster Vulnerability

Resource Economics

Energy Systems, Economics, and Policies

Global change ecology, forest disturbance, climate change

Environmental Data Science

Industrial Ecology

Marine Ecology, Conservation Planning

Environmental Economics, Land System Science

Environmental Microbiology

Hydrology, Water Resources, Groundwater

Fate and Transport, Watershed Management, Remediation, Pollution Prevention

Conservation Biology, Population Ecology, Ecological Modeling

Agricultural Ecology, Land Use, Landscape Ecology

Applied Marine and Fisheries Biology

Global Change Ecology, Disease Ecology, Environmental and Human Health

Energy System Analysis, Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Manufacturing, Data Centers & ICT

Environmental Economics

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology

Environmental Communication, Oceanography, Geochemistry, Science Policy

Resource Economics, Land Use Economics

Corporate Environmental Management

Environmental Law

Climate Modeling, Drought, Oceanography, Climate Dynamics

Ecohydrology and Ecoinformatics

Ecology, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning

Rwandan villagers have discussion with professor

Affiliated Faculty & Researchers


Faculty in Environmental Studies and History Departments

Professor, Department of Economics

Professor, Department of Earth Science

Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

Professor, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

Dehlsen Chair, Department of Environmental Studies

Water Resources Engineering, Groundwater Science and Policy

Rupe Chair, Department of Communication

Professor, Department of Geography

Professor, Department of Political Science

Anton Vonk Associate Professor of Environmental Politics

Sustainable Land Use, Climate Change Mitigation, Renewable Energy Planning, Land Systems Science

Professor instructs two researchers in lab coats in a laboratory

Adjunct Faculty


Marine Conservation

Climate Change, Conservation Planning

Wildfire Dynamics

Water Policy

Fisheries Science and Management

International Environmental Law and Policy

Teaching Faculty & Lecturers


Eecohydrology, Earth observation techniques (remote sensing and GIS), and process-based modeling

Environmental Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Environmental Data Science

Fisheries, marine conservation, climate change

Environmental and Administrative Law

Research data management, scientific reproducibility, digital preservation, digital libraries, and data science and literacy

Applied statistics, data science, biodiversity, environmental DNA, invasive species

Intentional Media, environmental media campaign design, impact media, ocean stories

Strategic Environmental Communication & Media

Environmental Social Science

Network models of natural resource governance, sustainable fisheries, sea level rise adaptation, and the science of science communication.

President and CEO of the National Park Foundation

Corporate water stewardship, integrated water management, California water policy, and global water governance

Energy and climate, engineering, and industrial decarbonization