PFAS Research to Support Source Identification and Site Remediation

Dr. Mills will be presenting remotely. Join online using this link and passcode pollutants or view the remote talk in Bren Hall 1414
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals which have been manufactured and used in a variety of industrial and consumer products since 1940. PFAS are commonly used in water and stain repellant materials, as well as firefighting products. The use of selected PFAS have been discontinued however legacy applications and products and a lack of alternatives for life saving products, such as firefighting foams, have resulted in PFAS releases to the environment. This presentation will overview the status of research at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development on the sources and remediation of PFAS in surface and waste waters and impacted sites. Research is a critical aspect of EPA’s Action Plan to address uncertainties regarding PFAS.
Marc A. Mills is an Environmental Engineer at the U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development and is a principal investigator for projects characterizing the occurrence, transport, and fate of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and legacy contaminants in the environment and the management of contaminated sediments. Dr. Mills leads research to identify sources of contaminants to aquatic systems and tracing their movement through the environment and food webs. He also leads the development of analytical methods for CECs (e.g. PFAS, EDCs, PPCPs) and stable isotope chemistry for environmental samples in water, wastewater, solids, and tissues at the Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER) for U.S. EPA. These methods are used to characterize potential sources of CECs and legacy contaminants, their management in water, wastewater treatment, water bodies, and new technology development. Dr. Mills has a B.S. in Civil/Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M University and a M.S. and Ph.D. from the Texas A&M University.