Science to Support Conservation: Two Case Studies from the Jack and Laura Dangermond Preserve
Dr. Hiroyasu is a recent Bren alumna who now provides science leadership for a multitude of conservation initiatives. She is currently working on developing nature-based solutions for a conservation management plan for the Jack and Laura Dangermond Preserve, one of the last undeveloped areas in California. Due to its biological and cultural significance, it is an important pillar in how we find climate solutions.
—Ali Martin, MESM 2023
Watch a recording of this talk here
Achieving conservation goals on a managed landscape requires the use of science and technology to guide decision making. At the Jack and Laura Dangermond Preserve, a 24,364 acre preserve surrounding Point Conception, The Nature Conservancy is using monitoring, research, and conservation technology to manage and protect this unique site for conservation. The preserve sits at a biodiversity hotspot, where Northern and Southern California ecosystems collide on land and sea. This talk will focus on two case studies demonstrating how on-the-ground science and research can be leveraged to guide day-to-day decision making to protect biodiversity and manage the landscape to meet conservation goals.
Elizabeth Hiroyasu is the Jack and Laura Dangermond Preserve Scientist, where she works with interdisciplinary teams to guide research, conservation, and restoration on the Preserve. Elizabeth recently supported the Climate Program at The Nature Conservancy (TNC) California, providing scientific leadership to the disaster resilience and sustainable development strategies. Prior to joining TNC, Elizabeth received her PhD at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at University of California Santa Barbara, focusing on the ecological and social management of vertebrate invasive species. Elizabeth also holds a MESM from the Bren School at UCSB and a BS in biology from University of California Los Angeles.