MESM 2021
Anne-Marie Parkinson graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 2017 with a B.S. in Environmental Studies. As part of the UCSB Carla D’ Antonio lab, she studied post-conifer regeneration in Los Padres National Forest and modeled topographic and environmental variables that contribute to varying levels of conifer mortality. She is currently co-authoring two scientific papers explaining the ecological implications of her research. After witnessing the large loss of forests lacking regeneration first-hand, she was inspired to attend graduate school to preserve natural resources for future generations. She is pursuing a specialization in Conservation Planning and a focus in Environmental Data Science, while also continuing her work and passion for forests as a Forestry and Sustainability Fellow. She will spend her time at Bren better understanding the socio-economic factors that contribute to solving environmental problems related to resource management and sustainability. In the future, she hopes to continue her ecological stewardship as a land manager for a UC Natural Reserve or for a government agency.