MESM 2022
Aya Rosenfeld graduated from the University of California, San Diego in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Chemistry and a Minor in Marine Science. During her undergraduate career, she worked for three years as a Director at the UC San Diego Student Sustainability Collective, a student government commission that enacted policies, allocated grants, and hosted events with the goal of making UC San Diego more sustainable. She also worked with the UC San Diego Cross Border Initiative and a local nonprofit on the research and writing of a California Energy Commission grant proposal for the creation of a Net-Zero Energy Community in an underserved region of San Diego County; her work on the grant proposal received a Frontiers of Innovation Scholar Designation. Aya taught 5th grade students environmental science at an EPA-funded summer academy and is passionate about environmental education and broadening access to the outdoors. Specializing in Economics and Politics of the Environment and Corporate Environmental Management, Aya hopes to supplement her chemistry background with the interdisciplinary skills needed in order to enact policies that curb the progression of climate change. Eventually, she plans to work within local government to help communities work towards climate resiliency.