student headshot

MESM 2021

Bret Folger graduated from Old Dominion University Honor’s College with a degree in International Studies in 2016, but left feeling less sure of what was next than he planned. Over the next few years, he obtained a TEFL certification at a language institute in Costa Rica, worked for an organic coffee exporter in the Amazon region of Peru, worked for a local composting company in his hometown, volunteered in a Yazidi refugee camp in Kurdistan, researched the efficacy of various protected area management strategies in Central America during a graduate certificate program in GIS, and worked on the GIS team of the U.S. Wind Division of Engie, a French Energy company. He still is not sure exactly what direction he’s heading in, but he is certain he will be working to understand the needs of the natural world more clearly. Specializing in Conservation Planning at the Bren School, he hopes to develop forest management strategies that more closely align policy with the findings of forestry science.