PhD Graduate
Year Admitted
Year Graduated
Research Areas
Aquaculture/mariculture, fisheries interactions, feeds, data science.
Faculty Advisor
Steve Gaines
Darcy Bradley, Roland Geyer, Ben Halpern
Dissertation Title & Abstract
Sustainable Aquaculture for a Resource Limited Future
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world, and is expanding in an increasingly resource limited world. Promoted for being an efficient source of animal protein, aquaculture growth adds pressure to existing systems that are already highly stressed. This work focuses on how aquaculture interacts with other sectors to better understand how to produce seafood in a way that minimizes additional strain or leads to benefits. In this talk Jessica considers how to plan for aquaculture expansion into the future, aquaculture’s dependence on agricultural inputs, and interactions with wild capture fisheries.
MESM, Bren School, UC Santa Barbara
BS, Marine Biology, UC Santa Cruz