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MESM 2021

Jordan Faires is passionate about driving ambitious action on climate change. Specializing in Energy and Climate at the Bren School, he is interested in incentivizing corporate engagement on climate and energy policymaking, hastening economy-wide transitions to clean energy, and implementing rigorous policies to reduce emissions. Jordan graduated cum laude from Occidental College in 2013 with a degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs. During his undergraduate career he developed an interest in sustainable development, studying in Cape Town, South Africa, and interning for the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations in New York. However, Jordan’s focus shifted to climate change after witnessing the destruction of Hurricane Sandy in New York firsthand.  After graduating, Jordan researched tropical deforestation for the Union of Concerned Scientists and the World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C. Most recently, Jordan served as a Program Associate for The Climate Registry in Los Angeles where he developed and implemented corporate greenhouse gas reporting programs. At TCR, Jordan also recognized the climate policy and sustainability efforts of cities, states, and businesses through his work on the national Climate Leadership Conference and Awards program, and supported annual delegations of policymakers to the UN climate talks.