MESM 2023
Katherine Orellana, a Masters of Environmental Science and Management student, graduated from Duke University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Environmental Sciences. During her undergraduate career she concentrated her studies on Tropical Ecology and Endangered Species Conservation. With guidance from Duke Professor, Stuart Pimm, she became a student researcher for National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative and was involved in long term invasive species monitoring projects conducted by South African National Parks in conjunction with the Organization for Tropical Studies South Africa. Upon graduation, she monitored species recovery for Saving Nature’s Corridor Reforestation Project in the coastal rainforests of Jama Coaque, Ecuador and pursued her interest in wildlife rehabilitation by becoming an active member of the Save The Animals Rescue Foundation on Long Island, New York. By specializing in Conservation Planning at the Bren School, Katherine hopes to explore innovative ways to protect biodiversity and develop strategies to prevent further species extinction through effective ecosystem management and restoration of wild populations.