Kira Archipov
Pronouns: she/her
Kira Archipov graduated from UCSB in 2019 with a B.S. in Earth Science and an emphasis in Paleobiology. Through her undergraduate career she became passionate about the interaction between environmental resources and public policy. Her role at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), provided insight into how environmental professionals collaborate and tackle real-world issues involving allocation of resources. After graduation, she began working in the environmental consulting industry at Dudek as an archaeological and paleontological technician. During this time, she was involved in projects within the development, education, energy, healthcare, municipal, resource management, transportation, and water administration sectors. Through this experience, she has come to understand the impact public policy has on development and resource regulation, both at regional and federal levels. Kira hopes to develop her knowledge of environmental policy and natural resource management by specializing in Economics and Politics of the Environment. Her goal is to provide solutions to environmental problems plaguing the West Coast by aiding local governments in developing effective and efficient policies preserving our natural resources.