MESM 2024
Pronouns: she/her
Leslie Serafin graduated magna cum laude from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2022 with a Bachelor’s in Earth Science. In the summer of 2020, she interned at the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation. She researched the benefits and impacts of bioplastic alternatives with the goal of replacing conventional catered products with compostable alternatives for the city of Santa Cruz through the “Waste Not, Want Not” initiative. While pursuing her undergraduate degree, she worked in Dr. Andrew Fisher's Hydrogeology Lab and conducted research on how modifying soil with carbon amendments can improve water quality during infiltration for Managed Aquifer Recharge. This research experience furthered her interest in hydrology, where she wants to work towards creating solutions to improve water supply and water quality. As a southern Californian, she has experienced how the scarcity of water affects communities and economies. At the Bren School, she will specialize in Water Resources Management to expand her knowledge about the complex issues surrounding water management. Leslie wants to work with government agencies or a state water board to develop practical policies that accelerate solutions for water scarcity and quality issues impacting the environment.