MESM 2022
Madeline McEwen graduated from Montana State University (2016) with a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Photography and an Honors Baccalaureate Degree with highest distinction. Growing up in Montana, Madeline explored the seemingly endless backcountry of the Bob Marshall Wilderness and Glacier National Park. After graduation, Madeline prioritized discovering life outside of small-town Montana in an effort to gain a broader perspective of the human experience. Her travels took her backpacking through Eastern Europe and Latin America and she has spent time living in Portland, Brooklyn, and Los Angeles. Along the way, she met people from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds and found herself moved by the impossible decisions climate change forces people to make daily. While spending time in Alaska, she met fishermen whose local economy was being threatened by overfishing and warming waters. The endurance of these men and women inspired her to work toward protecting marine spaces like theirs. After volunteering with both the New York Aquarium and Montana Conservation Corps in 2019 she solidified her aspiration to pursue a degree in Environmental Science. Specializing in Coastal Marine Resources Management with a focus in Environmental Communications at Bren, Madeline aims to help coastal communities find a balance between environmental conservation and economic security. She also intends to use her background in film to educate communities and communicate solutions.