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PhD Student

Bren Hall 3007
Research Areas
Fisheries, Regulation, Forestry, Environmental Modelling

Pronouns: he/him/his

MESM, Environmental Science & Management, UCSB Bren School
Bachelor in Economics, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru

Nestor Collado has worked to improve decision-making during the last decade by closing the gap between economic market solutions and policymaking. His publications and work as advisor of the Minister of Environment of Peru showed that transforming environmental concerns into development opportunities is possible. However, he also found that solid public institutions are not enough without long-term planning, innovative financial tools, and synergistic and participatory interventions. Above all, his experience with multidisciplinary teams in Universidad del Pacifico taught him the value of scientific evidence as an ally for better decision-making.

During his Master's studies at Bren School, his project "Quota Baskets: Exploring Alternative Groupings for Fisheries Management" reinvigorated his passion for linking economic, social, and environmental issues to accelerate action. He firmly believes the environmental policies require steppingstones that can bridge short-term and long-term goals.

Year Admitted

Faculty Advisor
Christopher Costello