Student headshot

PhD Student

Bren Hall 1001
Research Areas
Forest Disturbance, Wildfire Ecology, Climate Change

Pronouns: she/her

BS,  Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University

Olivia Ross is a vegetation ecologist interested in the spatial distribution, composition and function of plant and forest communities in response to climate change and disturbance events such as wildfire. She aims to investigate emerging forest-wildfire-climate interactions and conduct research in partnership with natural resource agencies to directly inform future management practices. Olivia is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellows Program.

Prior to Bren, Olivia worked on field research projects in the Sierra Nevada, studying the impact of climate change on alpine plant communities and conifer forests. She helped implement forest management projects and worked on prescribed burns, igniting her curiosity about post-fire landscapes and passion for the expansion of cooperative burning and practice of "good fire". Olivia teaches botany and fieldwork skills to high school students and is passionate about fostering an inclusive environment in the outdoors and environmental field.

Year Admitted

Faculty Advisors
Joan Dudney