PhD Student
Bachelor of Community Psychology (Honors), Makerere University Kampala
Polycarp is interested in the role that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can play in facilitating government-citizen interactions for public service delivery. He intends to investigate how the latest citizen involvement research can be co-opted to design more effective ICT systems for coproducing public services.
His interest in the subject area arises out of his personal experience at the forefront of the development, deployment, usage and ultimate discontinuation of an SMS-based crowd-sourcing platform for monitoring waste management service delivery in Kampala – Uganda from 2016 to 2018. His close observation gave him intimate knowledge of the potential of ICTs for improving service delivery, developing a sense of civic duty, and building democratic institutions especially in the context of young and emerging democracies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Polycarp’s background in Community Psychology provides him with a unique insight into the human dynamics that often come into play in government-citizen interactions. His experience in computer programing – he’s a self-taught programmer – gives him valuable insights into the ICT system design processes.
Year Admitted
Faculty Advisors
Mark Buntaine