MEDS 2022
For nearly a decade Shale has made the natural world a personal, academic, and occupational priority, which today means the pursuit of a Master’s of Environmental Data Science at Bren. A summer in high school working on the film crew of the climate change documentary Our Place on Earth launched his pursuit of an environment-centered career. With a dual Bachelors in Biology-Psychology and Chinese from Tufts University, he has a diverse educational background and a passion for interdisciplinary collaboration and communication. For the past two years, Shale has worked as a field technician collecting ecological data through the Bureau of Land Management’s Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) protocols in New Mexico and Nevada, which has led to a professional background and interest in desert ecology and botany. Through Bren, Shale hopes to combine these interests with accumulated skills in data visualization and modeling to develop and share research-based solutions to ecological threats such as climate change, drought, invasive species, and human encroachment.