MESM 2021
Veronica Weber comes to the Bren School with over 12 years experience as a visual journalist working in the San Francisco Peninsula. After earning a Bachelor of Art degree in journalism with an emphasis in photojournalism from San Francisco State University (2006), Veronica worked as lead photographer and videographer for newspapers The Almanac and the Palo Alto Weekly. Her work as a photojournalist was defined by covering community news, acting as a one-woman-band to film, edit and produce videos, as well as reporting and writing investigative stories. Two of her documentary videos, “Invisible Illness,” and “A Vibrant Life“, were awarded first and second place by the California Newspaper Publishers’ Association. In early 2019, Veronica investigated Palo Alto’s recycling and waste disposal methods for the multimedia project “A journey of 9,500 miles. Why recyclables are heading overseas to Asia”. This project had a great impact on her as she documented the volumes of plastic waste shipped overseas and it has inspired her to devote time at Bren exploring ways to limit waste generation and find alternatives to single-use disposable materials in the Pollution Prevention and Remediation specialization. Veronica is excited to pursue a new career focus within the environmental field.