MESM 2023
Pronouns: she/her
Virginia Pan is a Masters in Environmental Science and Management (MESM) student pursuing the Corporate Environmental Management specialization and the Eco-Entrepreneurship focus. Virginia received her B.S.E. degree from Duke University (2020) in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a certificate in Marine Science Conservation and Leadership. Virginia has engaged in research and extracurricular activities that focus on engineering tools and data techniques for marine science research. She has conducted research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering, the Duke Marine Lab, and Georgia Institute of Technology. However, Virginia believes that working in academic research is not the only way to enact environmental change that directly impacts peoples’ daily lives. To make bigger impacts, Virginia chose the Bren school for its focus on applying interdisciplinary knowledge to solve environmental problems. Virginia understands the importance of coupling economic and environmental solutions to create saleable environmental change.