MESM 2021
Oswaldo Felix graduated from Harvard University (2019) with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science and Public Policy. His coursework, emphasizing energy resource management, strengthened his beliefs that energy conservation is important to both our environmental and economic futures. Oswaldo is seeking solutions to reduce problems of wasted energy. He became involved with the development of a lead transport model under the instruction of Professor Elsie M. Sunderland’s research group. Today, he continues to work with the group hoping to publish his first academic research paper. Oswaldo’s capstone project, advised by Professors Daniel P. Schrag and John H. Shaw, discussed nuclear waste management calling attention to a neglected system that leaves dangerous waste uncontained. He is proudest of his experience delivering a mock-business proposal where his group investigated an economically favorable storage system for California’s energy grid. Oswaldo found the project rewarding because it applied interdisciplinary concepts to a real-world framework. At Bren, Oswaldo hopes to study the energy sector to identify where he can make the most impact with his passion and ability.