University of California, Santa Barbara Operational Effectiveness: Energy Management Initiative

Currently, the main UC Santa Barbara campus consumes, on average, over $1 million in energy utilities every month. At current consumption rates, UCSB’s utility costs will continue to rise as the campus expands, student population grows and more advanced research initiatives are implemented. Although UCSB has many energy efficiency projects that improve building performance, there is not currently a program to incentivize user behavior. In most buildings on campus, the University pays the electricity bill, creating a disconnect between the users of the building and the cost of the electricity. By creating an incentive program where users receive a portion of their energy savings, we can encourage more energy efficient behavior. The University of California Santa Barbara stands to benefit from this project by significantly reducing the campus’ energy consumption, carbon footprint, and utility expenditures, which will help in meeting the 2025 carbon neutral goal set by the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). This Implementation Plan will provide a framework that can be carried out by UCSB Utility and Energy Services and UCSB Facilities Management, and can be used as guidance for departments on campus to reduce energy consumption.