Welcome, Bren School MESM Class of 2027!
Use this page to reference important information, dates, deadlines, and resources to help you as you prepare for the first day of orientation on September 15, 2025. Orientation is required so please plan accordingly.
If you still have unanswered questions after you've reviewed this page, please contact the Student Affairs & Admissions team at admissions@bren.ucsb.edu.
Summer Timeline
May 2025
- Join us on ***Wednesday, May 8th from 12:00pm-1:00pm Pacific Time for a Zoom webinar session with Bren admissions staff. The Zoom link is in your May check-in email. If you can't make it, don't worry! The most important information is in the email and on these incoming student pages. We'll also send you the webinar recording.
- Submit your student housing application by May 15 if you want to live on campus. Explore more housing options under campus resources.
- Submit your Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) by May 15. Failure to do so may result in additional out-of-state fees and issues with financial aid. You will need your UCSB Net ID and password to log-in. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at Residency@sa.ucsb.edu or 805-893-3033.
- Send in your official documents. Please send your official transcripts to the UCSB Graduate Division if you were asked to do so in your official admission letter. See the Graduate Division’s Admitted Applicants page for detailed information about where to send them and special instructions for international students.
- Join the MESM Class of 2027 Slack channel. Details coming soon.
- International students, please visit the UCSB Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS)'s Newly Admitted Students page to start your visa process and make sure you're on track to matriculate this fall.
- Review the vaccine requirements. All incoming UCSB students are required to receive the vaccinations and tuberculosis screening noted in the immunization requirements outlined on the UCSB Student Health website.
- If you’re interested in working as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or course Reader next year, start exploring UCSB undergraduate departments and inquire about their application process. Most departments hire their TAs for the next academic year in the preceding Spring quarter. Although we don’t encourage taking on a TA position during your first quarter, we know many students rely on this financial assistance. See more information under Financial and Residency Resources. We will hosting a webinar with best practices for securing a TAship.
June 2025
- Begin registering for classes (see the Registration page for details)
- Review your MyUCSB Student Dashboard for important links to UCSB Housing, Financial Aid, Billing Office information, U-Mail, Registration, and more.
- Register for your UCSB student email service, U-Mail, if you haven’t done so already.
- Secure your housing for the upcoming year (see the Housing section under Campus Resources) and make sure you move to the area in time to attend orientation on September 15, 2025.
- Connect with your cohort in the MESM Class of 2027 channel on Slack (details to be released soon).
- If you’re interested in working as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or course Reader next year, start exploring UCSB undergraduate departments and inquire about their application process. Most departments hire their TAs for the next academic year in the preceding Spring quarter. Although we don’t encourage taking on a TA position during your first quarter, we know many students rely on this financial assistance. See more information under Financial and Residency Resources.
- International students, please visit the UCSB Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS)'s Newly Admitted Students page to start your visa process and make sure you're on track to matriculate this fall.
- Start refreshing your math skills before the Math Bootcamp happening during orientation!
July 2025
- If you're planning on working as a TA, register for the September 2025 TA Orientation here. Attendance at the annual campus-wide TA Orientation (TAO) during the week before Fall quarter is required of all first-time UCSB TAs and Readers with secured TA or Reader appointments, even if duties will not begin until Winter or Spring Quarters.
- If you filled out a FAFSA application, it is likely you will receive your financial aid packet by the end of July. The Bren School does not have access to your financial aid information so if you do not receive your packet by the end of July, please contact the UCSB Financial Aid Office, (805) 893-2432.
- Submit your immunization records per UCSB requirements (see Student Health page for information).
- Submit a health insurance waiver if you do not wish to use UC SHIP.
- Sign up for the Brentorship Program (Keep an eye on your inbox for a message from current students!).
- International students, start the CALI Training Webinar Series, the first step toward your Culture, Academics, Laws and Immigration (CALI) training online. There will also be an email series and video tutorials so keep an eye on your inbox and check the CALI webpage for more details: https://oiss.ucsb.edu/programs/cali-training.
- FAQs for international students.
- Keep refreshing your math skills before the Math Bootcamp!
August 2025
- Begin taking the appropriate steps necessary to establish residency (if applicable). For more information visit the Registrar's website regarding residency status and the UC's "Understanding Residency" page. Additional questions about this process are best directed toward the UCSB Residency Deputy: Residency@sa.ucsb.edu)
- International students, complete the Culture, Academics, Laws and Immigration (CALI) training online. When planning your arrival, please note that you cannot enter the U.S. sooner than 30 days before the start of the MESM program.
- Submit your health insurance waiver if you do not wish to use UC SHIP. Check the Student Health Service page for deadlines.
September 2025
- Explore Santa Barbara before classes start!
- International students, complete the Culture, Academics, Laws and Immigration (CALI) training online. When planning your arrival, please note that you cannot enter the U.S. sooner than 30 days before the start of the MESM program.
- Acquaint yourself with the UCSB campus by reviewing a map or by taking a virtual or in-person tour. Take a virtual tour of Bren Hall ahead of time!
- Purchase your student ACCESS card and then complete the Bren School after-hours building access form (this form can only be completed once you've purchased your UCSB ACCESS card; see Campus Resources for more information).
- Submit your Bren School New Student Bio by (deadline TBD). Please submit your bio AFTER you have had it peer-reviewed in the writing workshop during Orientation, a link will be provided.
- Read the Bren School Graduate Student Handbook (25-26 updates coming this summer)
- Update your resume. You will need to submit your initial resume to the Career Development Team at the beginning of Fall Quarter. Directions will be provided during orientation.
- Attend the Bren School New Student Orientation, beginning Monday, September 15, through Wednesday, September 24, 2025.
- Fall quarter classes begin Thursday, September 25, 2025.
The most up-to-date campus requirements can be found here: https://www.ucsb.edu/COVID-19-information
What should you be doing now?
MESM curriculum overview, core courses, elective coursework, how and when to register
Important information on mandatory Bren School orientation events, including a writing workshop, TA orientation, Graduate Division orientation, activities for international students, and more.
Cost of attendance, paying your bill, BARC, FAFSA, establishing residency, and employment opportunities.
Graduate Student Housing, UCSB student ID cards, computing, university email, health insurance, transportation, campus resources, and more.