Scott Jasechko

Associate Professor

Bren Hall 4404
Research Areas
Hydrology, Water Resources, Groundwater
Instructor Code


PhD, University of New Mexico
MS, University of Waterloo
BS, University of Victoria


Scott Jasechko is an Assistant Professor of water resources with the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. He completed his masters at the University of Waterloo, his doctorate at The University of New Mexico, three years as faculty at the University of Calgary, before joining UCSB in November 2017. Scott’s research uses large datasets to understand how we can preserve the quality and sustain the quantity of river water and groundwater resources around the globe. Scott's work has been recognized by numerous early career awards, including the Horton Hydrology Research Award from the American Geophysical Union (2013), the Young Scientist Award from the Canadian Geophysical Union (2016), and the Kohout Early Career Award from the Geological Society of America (2018).