PhD Student
MSc, Conservation Science, Imperial College of London, England
BA, Biology, Middlebury College, Vermont
Sean's research interests lie at the interface of wildlife conservation and livelihoods, and include human-wildlife conflict, the illegal wildlife trade, protected area management, community-based conservation, and the socioeconomic drivers of wildlife loss. At the Bren School, Sean is combining applied ecology and social science research methods to study large carnivore conservation in human-modified landscapes.
Many of Sean’s research interests arose while serving in the Peace Corps in Cameroon, where he taught biology at a village secondary school. His students, colleagues, and neighbors hunted, consumed, and traded wildlife for subsistence. These circumstances gave him a personal understanding of the challenges facing people and wildlife in developing countries, and the interconnectedness of social and ecological systems.
Year Admitted
Faculty Advisors
Bruce Kendall and Sarah Anderson