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Bruce Kendall

Bruce Kendall

Professor; Associate Dean

Conservation Biology, Population Ecology, Ecological Modeling

Bren Hall 4514

805-893- 7539


PhD, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona; BA, Physics, Williams College


Bruce Kendall is a quantitative ecologist whose research in population dynamics involves modeling and analysis of abundance (the number of individuals in a plant or animal population) and demographic (birth and death rate) data. He applies the science of population ecology both to the conservation of rare species and the management of harvested populations. His specific research interests include: processes that cause population abundances to fluctuate over time; predicting the extinction risk of rare species; patterns of individual growth in fluctuating environments and how they affect population growth rates; and the effects of current-driven dispersal on marine fish species. His funded research has included investigations into fish growth in estuaries and rivers, marine fisheries management, invasion biology, and the population consequences of among-individual heterogeneity in birth and death rates.


Instructor Code: 13
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