Bren-Environmental Studies Fellow 2023-2024
Something about Me
I am a fourth-year BA Environmental Studies major from San Bernardino, California. My fascination with the ocean and its diverse life forms sparked my passion for marine biology and conservation.
In addition to being a part of the Bren Environmental Studies Fellows Program, I intern in Dr. Miller's Lab, where we research how coastal marine ecosystems work: what sustains them, how the environment affects the species that live in them, and how those living organisms interact with each other.
Outside of academics, I am a passionate pianist with a distinct inclination towards jazz. Additionally, I enjoy weightlifting and spending time at the gym.
Participating in the BESF Program at the Bren School has helped me develop better communication and networking skills. The program has also helped me meet incredible people/mentors with the same passion and goals as I do for the environment.