Bren-Environmental Studies Fellow 2023- 2025
Something About Me
In my third year, I’m studying Hydrologic Science and Policy with a minor in Philosophy, focusing on land and water conservation in agriculture. As an Arnhold Environmental Undergraduate Fellow for Conservation International and Environmental Markets Lab at Bren, I’m researching solutions for elephant habitat connectivity using geospatial modeling in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area of Southern Africa. Last year, I conducted an independent research project under the tutelage of Bren professor Arturo Keller, in which I constructed a hydrologic model of the Santa Ynez watershed to predict changes in climate and runoff, further developing my technical skills in ArcGIS and data analysis. As a news reporter for the student-run newspaper, the Daily Nexus, I’ve interviewed congressmen and professors, opportunities that have given me the confidence to challenge authority as well as the writing skills to convert complex, nuanced terms into digestible concepts for the public to understand. My interest in hydrologic systems doesn’t stop at science and policy, for I’m also a lifeguard at the Recreation Center. I hope the future research that I conduct will be used to implement progressive water-based policies that improve the lives of people and the health of our environment.