Development of an Interactive Visualization and Training Toolkit for Climate Impacts on the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
The Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) comprises 1,470 square miles surrounding the Northern Channel Islands: Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa Barbara, protecting various species and habitats. However, these sensitive habitats are highly susceptible to climate-driven ‘shock’ events which are associated with extreme values of temperature, pH, or ocean nutrient levels. To better understand the drivers and statistics of climate-driven ecosystem shocks, a ‘large ensemble’ of simulations run with multiple climate models will be used. The objective of this project is to develop an educational toolkit and Python-based web application to visualize ecologically significant climate variables near the CINMS.
Group Members: Olivia Holt, Diana Navarro, Patricia Park
Faculty Advisors: Samantha Stevenson
Clients: UCSB Bren School