UCSB Resources for Current Students
Welcome, Brennies!
As a Bren School student, you have a wealth of resources at your disposal through Bren and the UCSB campus. We've compiled a list of the most helpful resources for you below. As always, Bren School staff are here to help if you have any questions along the way (academics@bren.ucsb.edu).
Current Student Resource Guide Sections:
UCSB Resources
- Graduate Student Resources Center: http://www.gradpost.ucsb.edu/
- Shoreline: https://shoreline.ucsb.edu/
- UCSB Student Wellbeing: https://wellbeing.ucsb.edu/
- Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS): https://caps.sa.ucsb.edu/
All registered students are eligible for services at Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). When help is needed to address a personal concern, CAPS is a resource for learning new skills in building self-confidence, relating to others, reducing stress, solving problems, and identifying options. Students can make an appointment to see a counselor individually or as a group; counselors are also available to meet with students on a walk-in basis. Phone consultation is available 24/7 at (805) 893-4411. The main CAPS building (Building 599), shared with UCSB Career Services, is located across the bike path from the Arts Building and Storke Tower. - UCSB Basic Needs: https://food.ucsb.edu/
- Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS): http://clas.sa.ucsb.edu/
- UCSB Graduate Division, Graduate Academic Counselor, Ryan Sims: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/contact-information/academic-counseling
Ryan provides academic support, referrals to outside resources, and an ear for
graduate students dealing with the various stressors of graduate school. 805-893-
2068; Cheadle Hall, 3rd Floor; Ryan.Sims@graddiv.ucsb.edu. - UCSB Division of Student Affairs: https://www.sa.ucsb.edu/home
- Office of the Ombuds: https://ombuds.ucsb.edu/
The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource for conflict management that serves all members of the UCSB community, including faculty, staff, and students. The Office assists those who seek guidance with the resolution of academic or administrative issues and disputes that are not being adequately addressed through other University procedures. It is a safe, confidential, and impartial place to express concerns. Students are discouraged from using email to contact the Office of the Ombuds about confidential matters, including scheduling an appointment. The Office of the Ombuds may be reached at (805) 893-3285. - Disabled Students Program (DSP): https://dsp.sa.ucsb.edu/
- Student Health: http://studenthealth.sa.ucsb.edu/
- UCSB Directory: https://www.ucsb.edu/directory
- UCSB Risk Management Waivers: https://www.ehs.ucsb.edu/riskmanagement/waiver-liability
- Associated Students Legal Resource Center: https://legal.as.ucsb.edu/
- Multicultural Center: https://mcc.sa.ucsb.edu/
- Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD): http://rcsgd.sa.ucsb.edu/
- Women's Center: http://wgse.sa.ucsb.edu/WomensCenter/home
- Non-Traditional Student Resources Center: http://wgse.sa.ucsb.edu/nontrad/home
- University and Community Housing Services: http://wgse.sa.ucsb.edu/nontrad/home
- Dining Services: https://www.housing.ucsb.edu/dining-services
Safety for Our Bren Community
Hate Crimes and Incidents
Hate crimes, hate incidents, and incidents of bias should be reported through the UCSB Incident Report Form (not a police report) or the Hate Incident Response Coordinator at 805-893-3596. If the hate crime or incident is immediately threatening, then the student should contact Campus Police (9-911) or 911. We acknowledge that some students may not feel comfortable contacting police, and therefore we will work with UCSB’s administration to improve the conduct by police to better serve and protect all students on campus.
Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Discrimination
Sexual violence, sexual harassment, and acts of discrimination related to gender and sexual identity should be reported to Campus Police (9-911) or 911 if the victim is or was in danger. Once the student is in a safe situation, they should report sexual violence, sexual harassment, and acts of discrimination related to gender and sexual identity via an online form to the Office of Title IX/Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance or at 805-893-2701. Reports to the Office of Title IX/Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance are not confidential, and the content may need to be reported to law enforcement if the student is in danger or a crime has been committed. Faculty and staff are mandated reporters of such acts. Incidents of sexual violence and sexual harassment may be discussed confidentially with the Campus Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE) office at 805-893-4613 or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 805-893-4411.
Incidents of Zoombombing, when an uninvited party joins a Zoom session to cause disruption, should be reported to Campus Police at 805-893-3446 and a report should be filed with the Security Operations Center (SOC) at security@ucsb.edu.
Incidents of microaggressions by Bren students, faculty, or staff against students may be reported as described above through the UCSB Incident Report Form or 805-893-3596 or may be discussed with a trusted member of the administration, faculty, or staff.
In any situation in which a Bren graduate student is not sure about the appropriate reporting procedure, students should bring their concerns to a trusted member of the Bren School staff or faculty. We recommend that students should contact Admissions and Student Affairs Director Kristine Duarte (kristine@bren.ucsb.edu), Academic Programs Director Sean Kerr (kerr@bren.ucsb.edu), or Assistant Dean Satie Airamé (airame@bren.ucsb.edu). Our staff will provide support and will help the student with appropriate reporting, depending on the nature of the incident.