Master's Project Directory
A Framework for Restoration to Support Agassiz’s Desert Tortoise Recovery in the Western Mojave Desert
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
A Greater Gray: A Larval Connectivity Assessment of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Bridging Science and Management in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Carbon Zero: Curbing Climate Change and Driving Energy Efficiency at UCSB
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Feasibility Analysis of Conservation Banking for the Greater Sage-Grouse in Montana
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Quantifying the Economic Potential of Small-Scale Fisheries through Better Management in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Quantifying the Greenhouse Gas Impacts of a Green Hotel Certification on the City of Los Angeles
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Salmonics: Quantifying the Benefits of River Restoration for Chinook Salmon on the Lower Yuba River, California
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Sharing Canada’s Last Frontier: Creating a Conservation Network to Ensure Continued Wildlife Connectivity in the Mackenzie River
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Christina (Naomi) Tague, Lee Hannah
The Waterfowl of Wall Street: Using Water Markets to Provide Habitat for Migratory Birds
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2017)
Helping Consumers Navigate Green: Creating the Definitive Criteria for Green Consumer Products and Services Proposal: Consumers GPP (not public)
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Tourists and Coastal Users in Morro Bay: Developing an Effective Survey Instrument
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
Analyzing the Environmental Impacts of Simple Shoes – A Life Cycle Assessment of the Supply Chain and Evaluation of End-of-Life Management Options
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
Vegetated Roofs in the Los Angeles River Watershed: The Environmental and Economic Impacts of Stormwater Runoff and Management
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
A Distributed Graduate Seminar to Analyze the Priorities, Obstacles and Opportunities That Exist for the Implementation of State Wildlife Action Plans
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
Steelhead Passage Restoration Options for Canada de Santa Anita, Santa Barbara County, California
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2008)
Analysis of Management Strategies for Stormwater Conveyance Systems to Control Input of PCB Contaminated Sediments to San Francisco Bay
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2003)
Assessment of Seawater Desalination as a Water Supply Strategy for San Diego County
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2003)
John Melack, Antonio Bento
Assessment of Stressors on Fall-Run Chinook Salmon in Secret Ravine (Placer County)
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2003)
Bruce Kendall, Carol McAusland
Santa Barbara County and Los Padres National Forest: Facilitating Community Collaboration in Recreation Management
Master of Environmental Science and Management: Master's Group Project (2003)
Frank Davis, Catherine Ramus