Overview of MEDS Capstone projects Overview of MESM Group projects
Group Members: Akshaya Jagannathan, Madison Kilkenny, Wesley Martinez, Daphne Prodis, Brenda Vuong
Faculty Advisors: Matt Potoski
Clients: Albertsons Companies
Group Members: Tatiana Bok, Elizabeth Braun, Eleri Griffiths, Heather Luedke, Anne Youngdahl
Faculty Advisors: Steve Gaines
Clients: NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Group Members: Sarah Hamilton, Margaret (Maggie) Hammond, Carleigh Osen, Alexandra Setmajer, Caroline Shepherd
Faculty Advisors: Patricia Holden
Clients: MATE the Label
Group Members: Ian Brunjes, Anastasia Kunz, Taylor Lockmann, Caitlin Manley