MESM 2025 Eco-Entrepreneurship Project: Develop a product/service that accelerates coral bleaching prevention through the diving community, raising awareness and adding value to the diving experience
Identifying financial incentives for forest restoration projects, examining supply and demand of ecosystem services within California’s Tahoe Central Sierra Initiative.
Using several data sources, this group project is building a model to guide day-to-day decisions and high-level campaign strategy for a new fishery co-management framework in Brazil.
This project will compare Nada Grocery’s carbon emissions and plastic waste production under a business as usual scenario to a variety of probable scenarios that could happen as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
This project examined if the Environmental Defense Fund's Framework for Integrated Stock and Habitat Evaluation (FISHEF) would continue to provide sound guidance to data-limited fishery managers given the influences of global climate change on fish.
This project modeled market interactions for different scenarios of offshore cultivation to elucidate what effects these new markets would have on both consumers and suppliers of totoaba products, as well as the illegal market for poached buche.
To develop floating offshore wind projects in federal waters off the coast of California, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Pacific Region has tasked the Bren School with characterizing and assessing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the integration of offshore wind energy into California electricity markets.
Clients: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Sunset Power Solutions is an Eco-E project that provides clean, wireless lighting for any social occasion. Their product, the MoonLite, repurposes second-life lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles to provide a stylish and easy-to-use lighting solution.