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Academic Requirements (76 total units) 

9 Core Courses (26 units) to develop breadth 
These include:

  • ESM 201 Ecology of Managed Ecosystems
  • ESM 202 Environmental Biogeochemistry
  • ESM 203 Earth System Science
  • ESM 204 Economics of Environmental Management
  • ESM 205 Environmental Justice
  • ESM 206 Statistics & Data Analysis for Environmental Science & Management
  • ESM 207 Environmental Law and Policy
  • ESM 208 Environmental Politics and Policy
  • ESM 210 Business and Sustainability

Elective courses in a specialization (36 units) to develop depth

Varies by specialization

Master’s Group Project or Eco-Entrepreneurship Project (14 units) to develop professional problem-solving skills

  • ESM 401 ABCD Masters Group Project
  • ESM 402 ABCD Masters Eco-E Project


  • Elective courses in a second specialization
  • Elective courses in Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship focus
  • Elective courses in Strategic Environmental Communication and Media focus

Course Details

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are offered every other year. 

Program Course Pages

3 units | David Tilman

This course provides future environmental managers with an understanding of (1) principles, concepts and theories that are the scientific basis for conservation policy and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, (2) how scientific knowledge is applied to major societal and scientific issues, especially those related to human impacts on the functioning, productivity and sustainability of ecosystems at local to global scales, and (3) how and why humans impact and manage all of Earth’s ecosystems, and how this can be done in more sustainable ways.

3 units | Patricia Holden

This course trains future environmental managers regarding human‐driven disturbances to biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and trace elements in relationship to greenhouse gas-driven climate change, ocean acidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, acid mine drainage, air/water/soil pollution, and human and ecological health, among other issues. Additional topics include persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, emerging contaminants, microplastics and other chemicals. The course covers basic principles with applications to environmental problems, human and ecological toxicological implications, and available technical and policy solutions including potential unintended consequences.

3 units | Samantha Stevenson, Scott Jasechko

This course provides a foundation in the tools and terminology of system science, their application to Earth’s systems, their use in environmental problem solving, and their relevance to environmental management. Students will (1) apply principles of mass, energy, and momentum balance to understand the dynamics of the Earth system; (2) learn to explain critical observations and methods that guide our empirical understanding of global change; (3) be introduced to the basics of environmental physics, including important principles of radiative transfer, fluid dynamics, and heat flow as they pertain to atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, land surface processes, and their connections to the energy, carbon, and water balance of our planet.

3 units | Kyle Meng

This course provides a foundation for understanding the origins of and solutions to environmental problems from an economics perspective. Many environmental problems are caused by economic activity (e.g., carbon emissions, overharvesting renewable resources) and have differentiated effects on diverse populations (e.g., the global poor are more vulnerable to climate change, air pollution disproportionately affects minority communities). Solutions to these problems often involve policies that steer economic activity towards effective and equitable environmental protection. This course will examine various policy approaches and the unequal burden of both environmental problems and their proposed solutions.

2 units | Jayajit Chakraborty

This course provides an overview and foundational knowledge of environmental justice (EJ) activism, research, and policy solutions. It introduces key concepts, definitions, debates, theories, methods, tools, regulatory actions, and case studies that contribute to our understanding of environmental injustices at the local, regional, national, and global scales. An important emphasis is placed on exploring: (1) causes and consequences of unequal distributions of environmental risks and benefits; (2) governmental responses to EJ issues; and (3) data sources and methodologies for conducting EJ assessments. Students will also gain practical experience with using internet-based mapping and screening tools for analyzing environmental injustices.

4 units | Christopher Jerde

This course provides conceptual, technical, and communication skills to investigate and answer environmental questions using data. Topics include data manipulation, exploratory data analysis, descriptive statistics, regression, hypothesis testing, uncertainty, and data visualization. Skills for data exploration, analysis, and project management will be developed through analysis of real‐world datasets using R and RStudio while building tools for and understanding of computational reproducibility and collaboration.

3 units | James Salzman

Environmental law is equal part environment and equal part law. While environmental law courses traditionally focus solely on the significant laws and cases, this course will place equal emphasis on the scientific, political, and economic issues driving environmental conflicts. Students will strengthen skills in reading legal cases, regulations and statutes; writing client memos; thinking on your feet; acting as an advocate for both sides of an issue; and understanding the legal structure and strategies for environmental protection.

2 units | Mark Buntaine

This course introduces students to politics and environmental policy making. Students will learn who are the actors in government, what are their responsibilities, and why governments do what they do. The course will improve students’ professional skills as advocates, advisors, and analysts. Students will learn to apply abstract ideas to real‐world problems, interpret meaning and significance of policy analysis, and communicate results. Students will identify policy barriers, analyze electoral strategy, develop approaches to build coalitions, design effective messaging, and create political strategies to pass policies. Students will gain knowledge of their own responsibility of being actors in the policy process.

3 units | Emily Cotter, Eric Masanet

This course provides an understanding of how businesses can become more sustainable and how accountability is ensured with external stakeholders. Students will examine sustainability from multiple stakeholder perspectives: finding opportunities in compliance, increasing efficiencies in the value chain, and designing, marketing and selling more sustainable products and services. Topics will include ESG reporting, risk management, carbon footprints, sustainability certifications, life cycle assessment, green design principles, greenwashing, science-based targets, and organizational behavior. Through project- and case-based learning, students will develop cross-sector leadership skills and gain experience in stakeholder communications.

4 units | Christopher Jerde

Examination of the application of population ecology to conservation of rare species and management of harvested populations. Topics include populations regulation, population viability analysis, fisheries management, metapopulation dynamics, and populations monitoring.

4 units | Andrew MacDonald

This spring break intensive course will introduce students to the principles and practice of designing and executing field sampling campaigns to characterize, map, and inventory plant and animal communities. The course will review basic sampling theory, introduce survey methods for terrestrial vegetation, terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as aquatic invertebrates. Students will gain experience with multivariate analysis of community data, as well as methods for vegetation and species habitat mapping and modeling. Learning objectives and activities will be primarily field-based, and will take place at UCSB’s Sedgwick and Coal Oil Point Reserves.

5 units | Patricia Holden

Concepts and approaches to correct and alleviate the effects of environmental pollution using biological processes. Biochemical, ecological, and physiochemical aspects of remediation and mitigation. Assessing and monitoring applicability/efficacy of biological treatment. Natural and engineered methods for adversely affected biological resources.

4 units | Joan Dudney

Graduate-level introduction to forest sustainability from an applied interdisciplinary research and environmental problem-solving perspective. The course meets weekly, with each week covering a different aspect of forest science (e.g., forest ecohydrology) or management (e.g., wildfire policy). The material will be covered through readings as well as lectures and discussions led by faculty experts from the Bren School and beyond. Students will also develop a research proposal or analysis (as relevant to their degree) that is related to forest sustainability. Students will present their proposals/projects in the final week of the course; proposals may form the basis of subsequent MESM Group Projects or PhD research.

4 units | Andrew MacDonald

This course will introduce the multidisciplinary field of planetary health, which is concerned with the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends. The course will explore linkages and feedbacks between environmental degradation, global change and human health and well-being, including infectious and non-infectious disease, diets and nutrition, and mental health, among other topics. Students will learn how to analyze and quantify these linkages between human health and environmental change through course assignments. Finally, the course will explore proposed solutions to jointly improve environmental and human health outcomes.

5 units | Patricia Holden

Microbes are the most abundant organisms on earth and are responsible for most biogeochemical cycling. Who and where are they, what do they do, and how? This course provides an integrated understanding applicable to managing the environment and natural resources.

4 units | Arturo Keller

Transport and biogeochemical transformation of pollutants in the environment. Review of pollutant properties and media characteristics that affect transport, accumulation, and degradation of pollutants. Basic tools for managing pollutants in the environment, including prevention, detection, and remediation.

4 units | Arturo Keller

Integrates environmental science and management to address sustainable watershed management. Learn the elements of a watershed management plan and become familiar with the planning process that takes into consideration various issues and concerns and provides concrete actions to address them. Addresses both water quantity and quality issues in a comprehensive approach.

4 units | Cora Snyder

Water policy broadly comprises the structures, processes, rules, and institutions that we use to manage water resources. This course will provide an overview of water policies at global, national, statewide, and local scales, across public and private sectors. The course will look back into history at how and why these policies were developed, and forward into the future at how they can be improved to meet 21st century realities, particularly climate change.

4 units | Scott Jasechko

Examines the principles and tools for groundwater management and stewardship of groundwater resources in the US and includes examples drawn from global groundwater management challenges.
Evidence-based programming and policy­making are now priorities for many non­profit organizations and public agencies, including those that deal with environment, energy, climate change, and natural resource management. At the heart of this approach is monitoring and evaluation, which help organizations learn about the effectiveness of policies and programs so that they can make better decisions about using scarce resources. This course provides an overview of the considerations and techniques involved with setting up monitoring and evaluation systems within public and non­profit organizations that are designed to promote learning about the efficacy, effectiveness, and impact of policies and programs.

4 units | Kyle Meng

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing modern society. Economics provide a powerful intellectual foundation for understanding and analyzing many of these challenges. This course employs insights and tools from economics to understand climate change impacts, the design of mitigation and adaptation policies, and the consequences of these policies. Special attention will be paid to how climate impacts and policies could exacerbate or alleviate existing social inequities. Lectures are designed to help students become critically-minded practitioners of climate policy by using empirical evidence and economic reasoning. Problem sets expand students’ skillsets in statistical analysis and numerical modeling.

4 units | Emily Cotter

Developing a strategic direction for a nonprofit, government agency or philanthropic organization. Topics include the strategy development process, stakeholder analysis, vision and mission, strategic positioning, plan implementation and measuring success.

2 units | Emily Cotter

In this practicum, students explore environmental challenges faced by a specific corporation and identify opportunities to improve environmental impact through business model innovation. Working on a team with an industry mentor, students evaluate the financial potential, expected social/environmental impact and innovation risks of their ideas. Practical application of theory and tools from ESM 281.

4 units | Christina Tague

Introduction to the development, evaluation, interpretation, and presentation of models as applied to environmental problems. Course will consist of theory and many practical examples building and interpreting models using computers.

2 units | Emily Cotter

In this practicum, students test a business model innovation designed to improve environmental impact for a specific corporation. Working on a team with an industry mentor, students conduct customer and market research to validate their idea and assess their corporation’s innovation culture. Practical application of theory and tools from ESM 281.

4 units | Scott Jasechko

Hydrologic and geomorphic basis of environmental management problems concerning land surfaces and channels in small drainage basins, particularly the effects of land use and engineered alteration to stream channels. Emphasis placed in the integrated application of both theory and field methods to analyze existing conditions, evaluate the potential effectiveness of alternative solutions, and understand the limitations imposed by intrinsic watershed conditions and other human constraints. Implications for in-stream biota and water quality are acknowledged but not emphasized in this course.

4 units | Samantha Stevenson

Global climate change may dramatically alter water resources and the ecosystems that depend upon them. This course will provide an overview of research on current and projected future hydro-ecological impacts of a changing climate at local to global scales.

2 units | Lee Hannah

Biological changes in response to climate, their causes, emerging conservation responses and policy implications.

4 units | Andrew Plantinga

Economic principles and policy issues in the use of exhaustible and renewable resources including fossil fuels, water, minerals, fisheries, forests, and biodiversity. Management of resource markets on a regional or international scale.

4 units | Sarah Anderson

Developing and analyzing environmental policies involves balancing social, political, and economic considerations. Course covers this process, including problem identification, formation of alternative policy response, and methods of analyzing and selecting the most appropriate policy response, and effective communications of results to clients/policymakers.

4 units | Nathan Grimes

Learn to use specialized data analysis techniques commonly employed in ESM. Topics include: environmental monitoring, incorporating methods for censored data and for time series; spatial data interpolation and prediction; and multi-criteria decision analysis.
Economic theory of environmental policy, with special emphasis on the role of cost-benefit analysis. Techniques for estimating economic values for non-market environmental resources. Case studies involving ecosystem protection, pollution control, and other topics to illustrate the necessary analytical tools.
Comparative study of management systems or regimes addressing natural resources and environmental concerns and operating at scales ranging from local to global. Topics include characterization of individual regimes and factors affecting the formation, evolution, and effectiveness of these institutional arrangements.

4 units | Hunter Lenihan

Examination of physical, chemical and geological processes in coastal ecosystems, including estuaries, that are influenced by human activities. Focus centers on dynamical processes that control biological communities and resources, and the relationship of the science to marine resource management and policy.

2 units | Emily Cotter

In this course, students develop concepts for new environmental ventures. Topics include customer discovery, industry analysis, market opportunity assessment and value proposition design.

4 units | Kristen Hislop

Conceptual approaches and analytical tools used in marine ecosystem management, marine biodiversity protection, and integrative watershed planning. Review of relevant international, federal and state marine policies and programs.

4 units | Hunter Lenihan

The application of ecological science to environmental problem-solving in marine ecosystems. Emphasis on marine ecological theories, processes, and methods necessary to distinguish the ecological impacts caused by human activities from those caused by natural disturbance and other processes. Students focus on the presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data, read primary scientific literature and a few key textbook chapters, produce a grant proposal, and present their grant ideas orally. There are no exams in this course.

2 units | Christina Tague

Introduction to computing for data management, analysis and modelling for environmental applications. The course provides MESM students with the basic computing and programming skills used in data science. Topics include: the basic computing environment (hardware and operating systems); programming language concepts; program design; data management, data structures and implementation; software tools; workflows, version control, and reproducibility; generic analytical techniques (relational algebra, graphical analysis, visualization, etc.); and specific characteristics of environmental information.

4 units | Sean Reid, Jamie Miller

Advanced introduction to GIS theory and technology, emphasizing spatial analysis and cartographic presentation. Typical algorithms and data structures. Role of GIS in environmental information management. Integration of GIS with other analytical tools.
Issues of survey design, including sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and data processing. Students will design and field an original survey, analyze the survey data and report the results.

4 units | Ashley Larsen

Analytical approaches that can be used to direct energy and resources toward conservation that yields the greatest return on investment. Case studies of how government agencies, international multilateral institutions and non-governmental agencies identify where to invest their conservation efforts. (Note: this is an 8-day intensive course offered immediately before the start of regular Fall quarter instruction.)
In depth development and analysis of a specific conservation plan, from start (goal setting) to finish (spatially explicit recommendations). Practical application of theory and tools from ESM270. If appropriate, MESM Group Project locations can be used as the case study.

4 units | Caitlin Swalec

Using the BSI’s PAS 2050, the WRI’s GHG Protocols, and the ISO14067, basic skills and knowledge necessary to establish corporate carbon accounts and to calculate carbon footprints will be covered.

4 units | Roland Geyer

Advanced introduction to life cycle assessment (LCA) tools and practice. Students will conduct an LCA according to ISO 14040/44 (2006) using professional LCA software. Goal and scope definition, parametric life cycle inventory modeling, impact assessment, sensitivity analysis, reporting.

2 units | James Salzman

This short course provides a general introduction to international environmental law and policy. After reviewing the rise of the international environment agenda, the course concentrates on how societies have responded to global-scale environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss, climate change, ozone depletion, and the loss of living marine resources. The principal response to date has been in the area of international environmental law and policy, where a major new field of law and diplomacy has developed and new multilateral institutions created.

2 units | James Salzman

This course explores the law and policy of how we use nature - timber, mining, biodiversity, fisheries, water rights, and agriculture. It describes the historical and constitutional geography of American public lands: the national parks, forests, wilderness system, and grazing lands, and disputes over federal versus local control of these. There is special attention to the historical and political origins of our competing ideas of how nature matters and what we should do with it, from economically productive use to outdoor recreation to preserving the natural world for its own sake.

4 units | Andrew Plantinga

Corporate financial management and reporting and environmental accounting. Function of stock markets, discounted cash flows, investment appraisal and decisions, valuation of bonds and stocks, the capital structure decision, the accounting model, management and control of enterprises, financial reporting and financial statement analysis.

2 units | Matt Potoski

Introduces students to practical applications of business sustainability across a range of companies and problems. For the class sessions, students will be presented with an environmental problem currently faced by a corporate environmental manager. Students will prepare potential solutions and workshop the problem with the manager during the class session, looking for creative ways to help solve the problem.

4 units | Matt Potoski

Prepares students to use creatively conceptual tools and management strategies to improve the environmental performance of firms. Corporate, societal, and political barriers to implementing these innovative strategies will be analyzed and methods for overcoming these constraints discussed.

4 units | Roland Geyer

An alternative to pollution control or remediation is to prevent it in the first place. This can be achieved through increased efficiency, material and technology substitution, and reuse and recycling. This course introduces pollution prevention through theory building and case studies. It also teaches and applies pertinent concepts and tools from industrial ecology.

4 units | Frederick Long

Negotiation is a primary skill necessary for working collaboratively toward solutions to complex environmental problems affecting many different types of stakeholders. This course provides students with skills required to conduct principled environmental negotiations and craft sustainable agreements. Students learn how to set realistic agendas, establish fact-finding strategies, frame flexible approaches, and seek enduring solutions. The course actively engages students through their participation in both domestic (US) and international case studies.

4 units | Eric Masanet

Product development includes conceptualization of customer needs and product ideation, user-based market research, competitive benchmarking, and consideration of product specifications, supply chains, and production characteristics to launch successful products. This course leverages this approach but with the application of environmental criteria, metrics, and impact estimation to identify product solutions that address both market and environmental needs, including through the use of materials and process environmental datasets, life-cycle and systems thinking, green design principles, comparative analysis, and the leveraging and application of environmental certification criteria.

4 units | Ranjit Deshmukh

The energy sector is undergoing a profound transition as we move towards lower carbon resources, phase out fossil fuels, and increasingly electrify end-uses. The direction and pace of this transition to a large extent, will depend on the evolving economics of different energy technologies and fuels, and the markets and regulations that govern different energy subsectors. Drawing on concepts, methods, and examples from engineering and economics, we will cover a range of topics including wholesale electricity and fossil fuel markets, electric power systems, energy project valuation, electricity planning and resource adequacy, auctions, retail rate design, externalities, and energy equity and justice.

4 units | Eric Masanet

Develop an in-depth understanding of past and future societal demand for energy across major end use sectors (buildings, transport, industry); develop and apply fundamental analysis techniques and systems modeling skills to construct energy demand forecasts and alternative scenarios considering possible technological, behavioral, and policy interventions for more sustainable energy use.

4 units | Roland Geyer

Covers the main physical principles of energy conversion and the environmental impacts related to it. Also explores the balance between resource availability and demand, and the relationship between energy use and technology.
Advanced special topics in environmental communication. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.
Advanced topics in climate and energy.
Advanced, special topics in environmental law. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.

4 units | Jayajit Chakraborty

This course explores contemporary issues and objects of environmental justice (EJ) concern through case studies, guest speakers, and student presentations. Potential topics include the EJ implications of air pollution, hazardous waste, heat waves, natural disasters, nuclear power, toxic chemicals, urban green space, and water pollution. The course also provides an overview of emerging movements and topics related to EJ, such as climate justice, energy justice, and food justice. Additionally, students will learn about methodologies and web-based tools for analyzing environmental and social injustices associated with specific issues of EJ concern, as well as policy solutions for addressing such injustices.
Advanced, special topics in environmental management. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.

2 units | Michael O'Connell

This short course uses case studies, group discussion and lecture to survey and examine the practice and realities of conservation. Students will gain insight into the challenges faced in implementing conservation as a profession and how to accomplish tangible results, and will leave with resources, ideas and perspectives to help them pursue their goals and achieve impact. Different potential career paths will be discussed, with an emphasis on non-profit organizations and their activities. This course is designed for students considering a career in conservation who may not have extensive practical experience, or for those re-examining their career focus.
Advanced, special topics in environmental policy. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.

2 units | Matto Mildenberger, Leah Stokes, Paasha Mahdavi Lucas Boyd

Climate advocacy is increasing in importance as communities and organizations around the world advance solutions to limit global warming. While there are instances of advocacy successfully leading to enacted climate policy, the current global patchwork of commitments and policies illustrates the limited success of these efforts. Understanding the forces that have opposed climate policy requires an evidence-grounded analysis of how political power is generated, distributed and wielded in the energy system.

This is a skills-based course that examines strategies of advocacy from the perspective of political science and related disciplines. To make durable policy change, we need to know: under what conditions will advocates gain power, and opponents lose power? What strategies and interventions can organizations use to create these conditions? Answering these questions requires us to think precisely about how political power works, who wields it, and how it can be harnessed by organizations seeking change.
Advanced, special topics in environmental innovation and entrepreneurship. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.
Advanced, special topics in environmental science. May be repeated for credit with changes in content.
First quarter of a year-long group study of an environmental problem. Includes in-class training sessions to develop skills necessary to efficiently and effectively conduct the study.
Second quarter of a year-long group study of an environmental problem.
Third quarter of a year-long group study of an environmental problem. Requires completion of a final report, and defense.
Fourth quarter of a year-long group study of an environmental problem. Requires completion of a policy brief, poster, and public presentation.

4 units | Emily Cotter

Teaches students how to practice evidence-based entrepreneurship and rigorously evaluate a business idea that could make a positive and measurable environmental impact. Students test their assumptions and gather evidence to reduce risk and uncertainty, in order to develop a viable business model.
Second quarter of a year-long team project to develop a new environmental venture.
Third quarter of a year-long team project to develop a new environmental venture. Requires completion of a final report and defense.
Fourth quarter of a year-long team project to develop a new environmental venture. Requires completion of marketing communication materials and a public presentation.
Students complete a summer internship, prepare a short paper, and present internship experiences to the Bren School community through an informal presentation.
Workshops to develop professional skills for careers in Environmental Science & Management.

4 units | Alexandra Phillips

This course is a survey of writing genres students will encounter in environmental jobs. Each week will have a unique technical or creative focus, with units spanning science storytelling, literature reviews, policy writing, grant proposals, social media campaigns, environmental poetry and more. Students will read and reflect on examples of effective environmental writing while building their own portfolio of pieces. In lab sections, students will participate in peer review to practice giving and receiving feedback. ESM 437 is designed and recommended for first year MESM students, but is open to all MESM, MEDS, and PhD students at Bren and other departments. Undergraduates with writing experience may petition to enroll.

4 units | Alexandra Phillips

This course is an introduction to public speaking skills for environmental professionals. Students learn how to give a professional talk for a conference or public presentation considering story framework, visual aids, audience, tone, and Q&A. Students practice these skills through individual and group active learning exercises. Students are introduced to examples of effective environmental public speaking ranging from podcasts to TED talks. Students complete class assignments before weekly labs, where they practice speaking in front of peers and receive constructive feedback. Students give a three-minute condensed version of their final presentation and submit two revised lab assignments as part of their public speaking portfolio.
Successful environmental communication is not just about getting the facts right. Before tackling an issue, it's critical to consider the intended audiences and their values and attitudes. In this class you will study communication theory, including how logic, emotion, persuasion, and social influence work. You will also learn about strategic messaging and outreach to achieve your communication goals.

2 units | Lisa Leombruni

Environmental solutions are only as effective as your ability to communicate them-- and story is one of the most important tools you have to engage your audiences. In this course you will learn how to develop compelling stories using conflict, drama, and character. You will also gain an understanding of the complex media environment in which your messages compete for attention. To build skills, you will also practice messaging for different audiences, and craft your own stories.

3 units | Ian Kellett

This course is designed to give students the basic skills needed to conceptualize, capture, edit, and deliver short-form video content with an environmental theme. Industry standards of cinematography, sound, lighting, and digital editing are covered. Through lectures and practical demonstrations of production equipment and techniques, students will gain an introductory understanding of video production.
Reviews the role and effectiveness of grassroots environmental efforts on local, statewide, and national scales. Students will explore organizing strategies and tactics based on various theories of change, addressing topics such as community outreach and collaboration, policy campaigning and more.

4 units | Alexandra Phillips

This capstone course will give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and communication skills in a practical setting. Working in teams with diverse skills, students will develop and implement their own information campaign in association with an environmental firm, organization, local or regional government, or other institution. Students may choose to use the environmental issue(s) explored in their Group Project or Eco-Entrepreneurship Project, or another topic.

1-12 units | Staff

Independent study under the supervision of a Bren School faculty member (a faculty member from another department cannot supervise an ESM 596 course). Registration requires an ESM 596 Petition approved and signed by the supervising faculty member and the Assistant Dean before the start of the quarter. No petitions will be accepted after the 3rd week of the quarter. The ESM 596 Petition can be found on the Bren School website on the Class Schedule page. Registration in ESM 596 requires an “instructor code” that can be found on the Bren School website on the instructor's individual page. ESM 596 may be taken for a letter grade or S/U (as agreed upon by the instructor and the student). ESM 596 is a variable unit course; MESM students may apply a maximum of 4 units of ESM 596 towards their MESM degree requirements.
Students sitting in rows in auditorium